Headlight Overhaul
The headlights on my car were atrocious.
After ten years they were completely clouded over with scratches.
My Dad had told me about these kits he'd seen demoed where you could restore the lenses yourself, but I thought that was a bunch of crap.
I didn't have time for some DIY solution and would probably screw it up anyway.
It just seemed easier and more practical for me to buy new headlight lenses. Boy was I wrong.
The kit was only twenty-something bucks and was supposed to do two headlights. Perfect!
I read through the instructions, then read them again before I started. As I went through the process I read them a third and fourth time just to be sure. With all that reading and picture taking, it probably took thirty minutes to do the first/worst light.
It came out beautiful!
Maybe my Dad does know a few things?
- b
ps. It didn't work quite as well on the second light. I even repeated a few of the finer sanding steps to be sure, but I don't think the kit had quite enough to do two lenses as bad as mine. The second one was better then it was, but didn't have the sparkle the first one had.
My Dad had told me about these kits he'd seen demoed where you could restore the lenses yourself, but I thought that was a bunch of crap.
It just seemed easier and more practical for me to buy new headlight lenses. Boy was I wrong.

- b
ps. It didn't work quite as well on the second light. I even repeated a few of the finer sanding steps to be sure, but I don't think the kit had quite enough to do two lenses as bad as mine. The second one was better then it was, but didn't have the sparkle the first one had.
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